Tuesday, June 5, 1923 - Visiting with the Turnbulls

Another glorious bright day with nice cool breeze stirring. Arose 7 A.M. Shaved, washed etc. Breakfast, talked, wrote in diary. Mrs. Smith from other part of house brought her baby, high school diploma etc in to show us. Over to John Turnbull's for dinner. John & Minnie Turnbull, Charles Turnbull, Hattie Hagadorn, Maggie Turnbull, Father, Mother, Brother & I present. A very pleasant time together. John Turnbull's health very poor. Stayed most of the afternoon. H.H. & I mowed the lawn etc. H.H. got stung by a bee, christened "Puff-Paw" by me. In latter part of afternoon we went thru the Kirsch Company, manufacturers of curtain rods and curtains. We were shown thru by Mr. Rider, vice-president of the company. They have a wonderful new social building, gymnasium, bowling alleys, a wonderful swimming pool etc, open to employees only upon payment of $1.00 annual membership. Very pleasant trip. About 300 employees. It is very interesting to notice a tendency among industrial concerns to make things pleasant and comfortable for their employees. We went to Hattie Hagadorn's (Mother's cousin) for supper. Pleasant visit. Her daughter, Mrs. VanDyke and husband & family in for call during evening. Back to Maggie's, talked, played piano, wrote letter etc, to bed 11 P.M.

The Kirsch Company is still in business, still making drapery hardware. Below is a photo of the founder and information about its beginnings in Sturgis, Michigan.
And here is a photo of the factory as it looked in 1923.
Taken from Kirsch Company website
In 1920, John and Minnie Turnbull lived at 300 (East) Main St, Sturgis, MI. Below is a photo of the house at that address today. It may or may not be the house that was there in 1923.
Taken from Google Maps
John O. Turnbull was Charles Turnbull's brother. John died in 1928, five years after Stanford noticed he was in "very poor" health. He was 71. According to his death certificate, he died from chronic Bright's disease. At the time of his death, he and his wife, Minnie, lived at 404 George St in Sturgis, right around the corner from the Main Street home.

John and Charles were the sons of William J. Turnbull, who was Eveline Turnbull's brother. And Eveline was Frances Augusta's (Fanny's) mother. And, of course, Fannie was Stanford's mother. So Fanny's Uncle William (who died in 1897) was the father of John and Charles, her cousins. Also mentioned in the diary entry is Hattie Hagadorn, also known as Harriet Turnbull, sister of John and Charles. Harriet was at this time a widow.

One of the letters Stanford wrote was to Mary Leah. You can read that letter, posted to the page titled Letters: June 5 & 7.

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